
Journal of Lithic Studies  新刊雑誌のご案内

 このたび雑誌Journal of Lithic Studies(略称JLS)を刊行することとなりましたのでお知らせいたします。本誌は査読付きの無料オープンアクセス誌で、主として石器の製作や使用、石器に用いられる原材料の産地や性質についての考古学的研究を扱うものです。対象とする地域や時代は問いません。年二冊、3月と9月の刊行を予定しており、第一号は2014年3月に刊行されます。


 Journal of Lithic Studiesはエジンバラ大学歴史言語考古学部によって、エジンバラ大学の電子雑誌刊行サービスを用いてオンラインで公開されます。掲載される全ての原稿は英国スコットランドのライセンスにしたがうものとなります(Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 UK: Scotland License)。


Journal of Lithic Studies編集長
オティス・クランデル Otis Crandell

Journal of Lithic Studies
Journal launch press release

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Journal of Lithic Studies. JLS is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that focuses on archaeological research into the manufacture and use of stone tools, as well as the origin and properties of the raw materials used in their production. Coverage will include all geographic regions and time periods. Issues will be published twice a year in March and September, starting with March of this year.

JLS will publish research articles, short reports, and methodology demonstrations, as well as editorials, summary or synthesis articles, interviews, and reviews of books and events. As an electronic publication, authors can take advantage of the wide variety of media available in this format in addition to those available in the traditional paper format. At the moment, the journal is published in English but we are open to publishing issues in other languages in the future.

The Journal of Lithic Studies is published online by the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, of the University of Edinburgh and is hosted by the University of Edinburgh Journal Hosting Service. All articles in JLS are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 UK: Scotland License.

To receive future updates from JLS, please register on the journal's website at http://journals.ed.ac.uk/lithicstudies/

Otis Crandell
Journal of Lithic Studies